
The filmography of Curd Jürgens comprises a total of 141 titles. The order is chronological and is governed by the respective first public demonstration.

Information about the staff are reduced, also not all performers are named.

As the source documents from the estate of Curd Jürgens, documents from the collections of Deutsches Filminstitut and Deutsches Filmmuseum and of were used. Data about the shooting times of the individual productions were, if there existent, checked with the information in the records of Curd Jürgens.


AL: Aufnahmeleitung; Anm.: Anmerkungen; AT: Arbeitstitel; Ba: Bauten; Da: Darsteller; DB: Drehbuch; DO: Drehort; dt. EA: deutsche Erstaufführung; DZ: Drehzeit; GL: Gesamtleitung; HL: Herstellungsleitung; K: Kamera; Ko: Kostüme; L: Länge; M: Musik; P: Produktionsfirma; Pd: Produzent; PL: Produktionsleitung; R: Regie; Sch: Schnitt; UA: Uraufführung.