KATIA (1959) Screenshot "Geh nicht"

KATIA (1959) Filmausschnitt “Geh nicht”

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  1. Filiz Elgezdi
    Filiz Elgezdi says:

    In Memory of Curd Jürgens, Respectfully,

    An impressive scene near to the end of the movie. Now, we are at the main staircase of the palace, the Kremlin in Moscow. The stairs are all covered with red carpet. The special quards of the palace, in their special outfits, are standing in order near the banister. In front of them are the palace staff, all in red and white costumes with golden decorations. A group of people is noticed who I suppose to be either some members of the imperial family or some members of the palace court. No one is speaking except the should-be chamberlain who is in front of them and explaining the way they are, Alexander and Katia, to follow to the sacred chapel, to receive the Archbishop’s consecration.

    Alexander and Katia, the two lovers, man and wife, the Emperor and the Empress to-be, are slowly descending down the stairs, hand in hand. See how lovely they are, how they befit each other. I want to repeat once more that, despite their age discrepancy, what a unique couple and what a great love and complete devotion? Katia is so beautiful and happy. Alexander is an exceptionally handsome and a charming man. His happiness can be seen and understood. Alexander is looking at Katia and saying that he loves her smile. Yes, sure she smiles very sweetly. Among hundreds of actresses, the only one I know, whose eyes also smile when she herself is smiling ; Romy Schneider. May She Rest in Peace.

    Katia says that if they close their eyes, nothing but two of them exists and wants to be away from all the obligations and risks, she wants to forget them all. I believe Katia, in spite of the enormous age difference, is madly in love with Alexander just as a man, a man with a good and kind heart which is full of love for her, not because he is an Emperor, the Autocrat, the ruler of a vast country, the Tsar of all the Russians. In return Alexander stresses one point and that is not to forget the other one. What does he mean by that? Does he mean the coronation, the constitution, the revolutioners or his country and his people. Just then, an officer appears and reminds the Emperor the time. Alexander is going to attend a ceremony which will be held at the riding school. He has promised to be there and as the Emperor, he must keep his word. The young officers were waiting. But Katia does not want him to go, to go out of the palace, she is afraid of some misfortune that can occur. With a worried expression on her face she offers Alexander to leave together right away. Alexander says that he cannot do this but promises her to be back in two hours. Katia tries to explain Alexander the strange and uncanny feeling in herself, a female instinct, but she is helpless and cannot finish her words. Alexander, with a sweet smile on his lips, tries to comfort her and to calm her down saying that there is nothing to be afraid of and reminds her the pact, the pact with the revolutioners. He believes that, for the sake of the pact with the revolutioners, no misfortune will occur or any attempt on his life. Soothing her, holding her hand, Alexander bids Katia a farewell, “Aufwiedersehen”, that is “to see you again”. Will they see each other again? What will their destiny show them? Looking deep into her eyes his last words are “I love you” and kisses her hand. After that, for some more moments he continues staring at her, holding her hand, as if he does not want to leave her, as if he wants to take those beautiful eyes together with himself. Then returns and leaves. Such touching moments. Katia still with that worried and thoughtful expression, whispers after him, “I love you”, but too late. Why is she so late in saying it? İs it because that she is worried and afraid for him firstly? I am really very sorry for this deficiency. She should have said it to his face. Alexander, who is madly in love with Katia and whose heart is beating only for her, had the full right to hear those words, “I love you” coming out of Katia’s lips. Katia staring after him, is left with her worries and fears.

    In this scene and of course in the full movie, the Emperor and the unforgettable Curd Jürgens are magnificient and very impressive in their own ways. Curd Jürgens is so fantastic and successful in
    portraying Alexander II, so much so that it seems as if the two characters are united in one person. I can not decide which one I love more. Dear Curd Jürgens or the Emperor? It is a hard question for me to answer. Sometimes, just as it is in this scene and movie, the character portrayed is very impressive and it is based on the acting power, the ability and the success of the actor playing that role. I believe no other actor could have been so successful in portraying Alexander II.

    Despite my deep gratitude, extreme gratefulness and thankfulness to Curd Jürgens for everyting and especially for this movie, I am very well aware that no other word will be enough to express my feelings for him, because each time I watch this movie or a scene from this movie, I go far away back to my earlier years, remembering those days and my feelings; some of them sweet memories, some of them bitter momories. So, Dear Curd Jürgens, Millions of Thanks to YOU for Reminding Me Those Days. May YOU Rest in Peace.

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